Our Little Debbie
Gobble! Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving from the Kruckenberg family! As a family we have so much to be thankful for. This thanksgiving we are extra thankful for our littlest turkey who was just born this year. Last week I shared my sons birth story, so for this weeks blog post I will be sharing our daughters birth story.
If I could describe in one word our daughter’s birth story it would be surprising! From the moment me and my husband found out we were expecting baby number two, we were surprised. We had talked about having more kids in the future, we just weren’t expecting that time to be so soon. God however was not surprised, and we are thankful for our daughter. She completes our little family.
Compared to my first birth experience, hers was completely opposite. In fact, my pregnancy with her was completely opposite. I was sick more often with her and I was in the hospital more frequently. The biggest difference this time around was with labor and delivery. In my son’s birth story, I shared that I was at work when my water started slowly breaking. It wasn’t that way with our daughter. I was at home and nothing about her birth was slow! In fact, it all happened during hurricane Debbie!
Once again, we were surprised because she wasn’t due for at least another three weeks. We already had a date scheduled for a c-section and we were preparing for that day. The day she was born my husband was at work and I was at home with our son. I had gone to sit down and when I did the water came and the hurricane began. Unlike my son where my family had to convince me that I was in labor. This time around I had to convince them and my husband that my water had broken, and I was in labor. Once I convinced my mom and finally got in touch with my husband I began packing our bags. At the time we only had one bag packed which was our sons. My mom was an hour away before she would get there to where I was to take my son and get me to the hospital. But this little girl was coming and coming quickly!
Thanks to my sister who arranged for me to get to the hospital. In the pouring rain to the hospital, I went. This time the labor didn’t take twenty-four hours. In fact, it felt like it was only twenty-four minutes. When I arrived at the hospital the surprises continued and this time the nurses and doctors were stunned. The nurse on duty in the Emergency room never had a mother come in the middle of the afternoon to have a baby, let alone in the middle of a hurricane.
Once I was taken back to the birthing center, what are the odds that the nurse that would be delivering our child’s name is Debbie. Well, it was official, our daughter’s nickname is going to be little Debbie. It was now time to take the test to see if my water broke. A test I passed with flying colors. Ok! Here she comes we were having a baby. The hurricane continued because the next challenge was getting me into the OR. The OR wasn’t open at the time and the staff was on call. Nobody was expecting this birth to happen when it did. Ready or not though she was coming and the contractions I was having proved it.
My husband finally arrived, and the OR staff was ready. I was then taken back to the operating room and my husband had gotten suited up to come back with me to meet our daughter. One little issue, when having a C-section, one must be poked and numbed. What happens though when you are two hours into labor and the needle isn’t going in properly? Looks like I was going to be put to sleep for the birth of our daughter. To add more humor to this story, I now know what Jesus experienced when he was in the boat asleep with the disciples, while a storm was taking place.
When I woke up it was 7:00 p.m. and our little turkey had made her arrival. The hurricane of birth had subsided. Though the rain lasted for another week, since our daughter was born prematurely, she had to be transferred to the NICU. She wasn’t gaining any weight but instead lost weight. However, we are thankful that a week later we got to bring her home. Today we are celebrating her first thanksgiving and our first thanksgiving as a family of four.
Thank you for reading and letting me share the birth story of our daughter. Once again, Happy thanksgiving from our family to yours. We are thankful for each one of our readers and followers and for the opportunity to share our experiences with you.